Send Springtime wishes with our Petite & Sweet bouquet! Featuring premium florals like roses, scabiosa, ranunculus, and celosia in shades of lavender and purple, all nestled in a bed of white and green hydrangea - this assortment is sure to bring smiles!
SUBSTITUTION NOTICE You deserve the best.
If a floral item is unavailable, we will sub in products of equal or greater value.
If the container pictured is out of stock, we will sub with a container as close as possible.
If no similar container is available, we will call you for substitution approval.
Pleasant Purples in a Petite Package
Upgrade to our deluxe size to include more hydrangea and a larger container!
Send Springtime wishes with our Petite & Sweet bouquet! Featuring premium florals like roses, scabiosa, ranunculus, and celosia in shades of lavender and purple, all nestled in a bed of white and green hydrangea - this assortment is sure to bring smiles!
SUBSTITUTION NOTICE You deserve the best.
If a floral item is unavailable, we will sub in products of equal or greater value.
If the container pictured is out of stock, we will sub with a container as close as possible.
If no similar container is available, we will call you for substitution approval.